St Bernard’s Parish
St Bernard’s Catholic Church

The Church was officially blessed by Archbishop Guilford Young and opened on 20th April 1958.
The Dominican Sisters were commissioned to take charge of the new school and so it was that Sr. Gabriel (Principal) and Sr. Catherine Mary arrived in Tasmania and with little in the way of resources and finances began to educate the children of the Parish of St. Bernard’s.
The school was founded with a view of providing a Catholic education to the children of St. Bernard's Parish.
From the Archdiocese of Hobart
“A parish is community family, a group of people of different ages, backgrounds and talents that come together as one. Our bond is our faith. We come together for many reasons, to celebrate Mass, to voice our beliefs, for a chat and a cuppa, and to socialise in many other ways.
Each person contributes according to their skills, abilities and interests. We are nurtured by the sacraments of the church and support one another to fulfil our baptismal promises.”
St Bernard’s Catholic Parish has a close association with Holy Rosary Catholic School. Children are involved in parish life in a variety of ways. Liturgical involvement includes altar serving, assisting with Liturgy of the Word and Procession of Gifts. Students, who are candidates in our Sacramental Program, are involved in Sunday Mass celebrations with a focus on the children and their families. These are held several times throughout the year. Every week several classes attend our Parish masses at St Bernard’s. Special Feast days, such as Assumption, St Patrick Day, and Mary MacKillop are also celebrated with the Parish. The school continues to support parish activities such as Easter Week, St Vincent de Paul, Caritas initiatives and raising funds for the Archbishop’s Samaritan Fund.
Our connections with the Parish Community are strong and nurtured by commitment from students and staff.

27 Wyndham Road
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Office hours
Monday: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Judith Andrews - Parish Secretary
Phone: (03) 6249 8646
Mass Times
Sunday: 9:00 AM (Rosary at 8.30 AM)
Monday: 9:00 AM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM
Thursday: 9:00 AM
Friday: 9:00 AM
Saturday: No Mass
Sunday: 8:00 AM (8:10-8:50am)
Weekly Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Parish Rosary Thursdays at 2:00 PM
Baptisms are held on Saturday mornings. Please contact Father Suresh to arrange.
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