Dear Parents & Guardians,
This coming Sunday we celebrate the incredible women who have shaped our lives with love, guidance, and unwavering support - our mothers. To all the mums, grandmothers, stepmothers and mother figures out there, we want to express our deepest gratitude for the countless sacrifices you’ve made and the endless love you’ve given. Your strength, wisdom and boundless affection inspire us every day.
On Sunday, we hope you all take a moment to reflect on the immeasurable impact mothers have on our lives and express our appreciation for all they do. Our students have spent time creating treasures to share with you - whether through a heartfelt message, a warm hug, or a thoughtful gesture, we hope your day on Sunday is a celebration filled with love and gratitude.
Thank you to Linda Perry, Kylie Wilson, Michelle Bergman, Tam Pels, Jessican Brown & Jasmine Tuttle for your organisation of our Mother’s Day Stall and the time spent preparing the items for purchase!
A reminder that there is ‘No right turn’ from the school carpark. We ask that you use only designated parks on the roadway and do not park over driveways. Your efforts to use the school crossings and not park in front of the businesses in the Wyndham Road Shopping complex have been much improved - thank you for your consideration. I ask that you continue to be mindful of other road users at the busy start and end of each day.
As we head into the colder months, please respect the health and wellbeing of other students and staff. If your child is unwell, please keep them home.